How We Calculate Impact
Here at Smartex, data matters deeply. We value transparency & believe it is essential to clearly contextualize our methodology as well as how we approach & calculate sustainability metrics. It's not a buzz-word - it's a core value & a constantly improving mission.
We are pulling back the curtain for you. Here is how we break it down.
At present, our impact is based solely on the impact of stopping faulty fabric production with our technology & then comparing our clients performance with & without our systems. The corresponding difference is our impact on the textile industry’s waste problem.
Therefore, our impact methodology starts with this difference - the amount of fabric we “saved” through preventing faulty production by stopping the machine. We take this amount of fabric (expressed in kg) & assume that all the faulty fabric we saved would have continued down the whole supply chain - including pre-treatment, dyeing & finishing - until the final stage of garment manufacturing. At this point, we assume it is thrown away. We have not included the impact of transportation between these production steps.
The data set we apply onto our methodology is based on data (e.g. energy & water used in production) from our current customer base.