Meet Thais Argolo, one of our star Customer Success Specialists!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born in Brazil, but since I was a little girl, I wanted to travel all around the world and meet people from different countries and cultures and have different experiences. That was what made me leave Brazil when I was 24 years old and move to Portugal.
People who know me quite well say I’m a “people person”. I was always very comfortable with public speaking and I am considered very diplomatic, meaning that I always hear all sides of the same story. It's unsurprising then, that I chose to graduate in Social Communications and pursued a Master’s in Strategic Communications afterward.
Today, I have been in Portugal for 4 years, living in the third city since I arrived and always looking for the next adventure.
What made you want to join Smartex?
In this search for new experiences, the opportunity to work at Smartex as a Customer Success Specialist arose and I, who was already a "people person", saw in this opportunity the possibility of doing what made my eyes shine and, even more so, in a company that is at the forefront of technology and innovation.
I remember that in my interview, my manager told me: you will deal directly with customers and maybe you will need to travel to other countries. Is that ok for you? And I just thought "could it be better?"
But more than traveling to other countries or meeting new people, the possibility of growing together with Smartex made me believe that the gain would not only be professional, but also significant on a personal level. I knew that this experience, more than any other I had lived up to that point, would make me a better person.

What is the onboarding process like for new employees at Smartex?
When I arrived at Smartex, I have to admit that I was a bit scared. I was afraid of not being able to learn everything I needed to about the product or the textile industry itself. But at Smartex we have a "buddy" who is responsible for helping you to fit in more easily. Bruna, my buddy, introduced me to everyone at the company and was always there to answer the silliest questions (such as: how do I make coffee with this machine?)
Apart from the brilliant role played by my buddy, I could see the whole company mobilized to help me with whatever was necessary so that I could feel part of the team as soon as possible. My teammates, my manager, and even the CTO invested some of their precious time to explain things to me, as many times as necessary. We repeat a phrase at Smartex "there are no stupid questions" so that everyone always feels comfortable asking absolutely anything they want to know.

What do you love about Smartex that sets it apart from other companies you've worked at?
For me, the great difference between Smartex and other companies is the impact we have on decisions and processes. Our ideas are heard and we have the freedom to make suggestions and carry out projects that directly impact and benefit the company.
In addition, as it is an environment of rapid and continuous growth, you learn a lot and very quickly. I once heard a phrase that says "I like to be the dumbest in the room because that's the only way I know I'll learn a lot from others". And here there is no shortage of incredible people to learn new things from regarding a vast scope of knowledge.
Tell us about a typical day in your role at Smartex. What keeps you busy?
Whether I work in the office or remotely, I start my day by going through all the clients under my responsibility, identifying where I can help them make the best possible use of the system, clarifying doubts, and making suggestions whenever necessary. Between one meeting and another with different teams (seriously, it can be from machine learning to hardware. We communicate with all the teams!), my contact with customers is constant and there is always time to suggest ideas, improve our processes and stop by a colleague's desk to talk about work (and also about how the weekend was, for example). We all have a lot of work to do, but that doesn't stop us from having some fun together throughout the day, at lunch, or even if it's a quick coffee break.

What's the vibe like at Smartex? How do you feel about the company culture?
From my perspective, the company culture makes Smartex... well Smartex! Without the people who are here and their willingness to achieve our goals together, this place would certainly be less special than it is. We celebrate each other a lot and the spirit of cooperation is common to all Smartexians.
We do sports together, celebrate together, arrange countless dinners, and have happy hours. We really love each other's company. Imagine working with a group of friends that are all really bright, that’s basically the vibe.

How does Smartex foster a sense of community among its employees?
We work with each other, not for each other. We know that together we are much stronger and that is why we can see a very strong team spirit in our daily lives. All of us at Smartex share the feeling that our work will help to lessen the negative impact on the textile industry. And that motivates us every day to be better at what we do to be better for the whole world as well.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
When I'm not working, I like to spend my time hanging out with friends, reading, watching movies and series, and traveling. I also really like going to the beach and enjoying the sun and the sea. I'm also always ready to try a new restaurant and different cuisine (and there's always room for a good dessert!)

Does Smartex offer opportunities for professional development or training?
When I joined Smartex, I already knew that I would need to deal with customers from outside Portugal who, in some cases, do not speak English or Portuguese. Therefore, right from the beginning, I could take language classes to be prepared to deal with clients who speak other languages. That way, I'll be ready to help the company when the time comes, but I also learn something new. It's a win-win. :)
Smartex also encourages us to participate in conferences, events, and congresses in our areas of interest or anything else that can add more knowledge to our day-to-day.

If you could describe Smartex in three words, what would they be?
Innovation, technology, and people. :)
Want to work with Thais and the rest of the amazing Sales Team? Apply now, we're hiring another Customer Success Specialist in Türkiye.